Wednesday, June 5, 2013

More on youth/college ministry....

Here are some noteworthy quotes from chapter two of Alvin Reid's book As You Go.

"The Gospel doesn't create Pharisees; we do" pg. 45
"The Gospel shows us how to do the very thing we are created to do: worship. But teaching worship as something done mostly in a service guided by particular forms loses the wonder of worship in our preferences and creates divisions, not unity." pg 45
"Life is worship." pg. 56 
"You see, our fundamental problem is our view of God. We are too easily tempted to think of God first from our perspective. In so doing we shrink God to our level. As a result we tend to make the Bible more about us than about God." pg. 51
"We were orphans who have been adopted by God (see Romans 8:15). Never get over what God has done in Christ!" pg. 54 
 "The challenge confronting student ministry is a challenge of theology, not ability." pg. 58
"She goes on to note how most students in our churches today cannot articulate clearly the fundamentals of our faith. While we obsess with lengthy series on dating or other topics, have we failed to give them a foundation in the glorious Gospel story?" pg. 59
"In the modern era, God's people have at various times lost their way by virtue of theological shallowness on the one hand or liberalism on the other.." pg. 61

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