Monday, December 24, 2012

Deity of the Man from Galilee

The Council of Nicaea in 325 is a important event in the history of the Church. The main topic of discussion for this conference was Jesus' deity. Was Jesus "begotten" (created) by the Father or was Jesus of the "same substance" of God the Father? It is believed that during this council, Saint Nicholas slapped Arius in the face for believing God created Jesus! Ultimately it was voted that Jesus is of the same substance as God the Father and this paved the way for the Churches Biblical understanding of the Trinity.

On Christmas Eve, I am in awe of my God. Jesus came to earth to die. He is King. He is worthy of my worship. He will be made known among the Nations. He created the world and rules the world. I have attached this link to a short blog by Justin Taylor that includes a few line from Spurgeon, Thomas Watson, and Augustine describing the deity of Jesus that I found encouraging.

Enjoy time with your family this Christmas. My kids have already told me they are waking up at 4 a.m. tomorrow!

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