Wednesday, July 10, 2013

God's Sovereignty and Evil - Theology Applied

One of the first questions to God’s sovereignty regards evil.  “How can a loving, good, God be sovereign over evil?”If He can stop evil, why does He allow it to happen in His world?  This is a valid question. In fact I asked those same questions years ago as I was figuring this all out. As R.C. Sproul says, “We have a built in allergy to sovereignty”. Let’s see what the Scriptures say.
             God’s Attributes. First we have to have a Biblical understanding of God’s attributes. God is Holy (Isaiah 6:3), He has no darkness in Him (1 John 1:5), and God does not tempt us to sin (James 1:13).

2.       God uses evil to accomplish His purpose. In God’s sovereignty, He uses evil to accomplish His eternal plan in our lives. The best example is the cross (Acts 4:27-30). God planned that His Son would die on the cross for the sins of the elect. Think about that. God was 100 % sovereign over the cross. For that to happen people had to sin (including me!). The cross was not plan B. Nowhere in Scripture does it say that God had to come up with a plan B after the fall. The cross was always plan A (Ephesians 1:4). The question has to be asked, “Who was responsible for Jesus’ death on the cross?” Jesus was the only innocent person who ever lived. For Jesus to die evil had to happen. Well, the Scriptures put blame on Judas, Herod, Pilate, and those for whom Jesus died. Yet we must remember Acts 4:28. “to do whatever your hand and your plan had predestined to take place.” This was planned and put into motion by our perfect, loving, holy, Father.

3.       Other examples of God sovereignty over evil.  Isaiah 45:7 reads,” I form light and create darkness, I make well-being and create calamity, and I am the Lord, who does all these things.” In Deuteronomy 7:1-2 God commands His people to destroy other nations, which would include women and children (See Isaiah 13:16). We must remember this was done by a holy God who can’t sin. It is hard for our minds to grasp this truth – that God is holy and uses evil. Believers have to trust and give glory to God.

4.       God and the lying spirit.  1 Kings 22:22-23 is a crazy passage. Here it tells us that God put a lying spirit into the mouth of the false prophet. Also, we must remember the Biblical truth - God cannot lie (Titus 1:2). Even though God was sovereign over this, He did not sin. He used evil to accomplish His Sovereign will. Again, in a way we do not understand, God is holy and uses evil to accomplish His plan.

As Christians this should encourage us. God is sovereign over everything, including evil. Nothing is outside of His control. So when people lie about us, hurt us, let us down, gossip about us, slander us, and intentionally hurt us our God is in control. This is not outside of God’s sovereignty. He has chosen to use this in a loving way, to mold us into the image of His Son (2 Corinthians 3:18). This gives the believer comfort. Life may give us different twist, turns, and trials yet – God is holy and sovereign over evil. This is one of the reasons worry and anxiety are so sinful. When I worry, deep down I do not believe that God is sovereign. If I truly lived out the fact that God is 100% sovereign I would not worry, but would give thanks. When I complain about the weather, I am complaining about God’s sovereign plan. Practically, believing in and trusting in God’s sovereignty should always lead to thankfulness (1 Thessalonians 5:18) and contentment (1 Timothy 6:6). This is theology applied.  

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A study of God's Sovereignty

It is my experience that one of the most difficult, yet most basic, doctrines for Christians to grasp is God’s sovereignty. Serving in college ministry for fourteen years, I have seen believers struggle with this doctrinal truth. I have seen individuals portray a wide arrangement of emotions when taught this truth: anger, sorrow, frustration, pride, joy, thankfulness, humility and worship. Comments like – “I am not a puppet!” or “A good, loving, sovereign God would never allow bad things to happen.” and the classic, “I have free will, I choose what I do, not God”.  And from a positive note comments like, “This is the most freeing doctrine.” and “I don’t know how someone can go through disaster and not believe in God’s sovereignty.”

The question I often ask myself is, “Why is God’s sovereignty so hard for people to believe?” When I first came to Christ, I had questions about God’s sovereignty. In fact I went so far as to look in the back of my Bible and look up the word predestine! And yep, that word is in the Bible.Over the next few days, I want to blog about how this doctrine continues to change my life. In my ministry, once someone believes in this biblical truth, it always ends with them giving God glory.  Having a correct Biblical understanding of God’s sovereignty changed my life and I hope to show you how it can change yours.

I plan to write about Gods sovereignty and how it relates to: evil, trials, free will, pride, humility, salvation, spiritual gifts, our attitude, thankfulness, and spiritual warfare. God is 100% sovereign over all the above, in fact He is sovereign over everything. He always, always, always gets the glory.