Monday, May 20, 2013

Defining the Church, Part One

The Doctrine of the Church Part One

If you ask people in your city, “What is the Church?” what answers do you get? Well I asked a few of my unbelieving and believing friends that very question. Here are some of the responses I received, “A building”, “I attend the Baptist Church down the Street”, “Sunday from 11AM till noon”, or “Where the hypocrites go.” were the top responses. The problem with these answers are….well… they are unbiblical! So, questions like { What is the purpose of the Church? Am I using correct Biblical language to describe the Church? How would the world describe the Church? What does the New Testament teach about the Church? Are you being a Biblical Church member? Do you have a Biblical view of the Church? How was the Church viewed in Church history?} will be answered in the following weeks.

For starters the language we use to define Biblical terms is very important. Are we using the word church the way God intended? Are we using words like sanctuary or Sabbath the way God used them in the Bible? Are we doing more harm to believers by the language we use than good? So, let’s see how God defines Church. In the Greek (I don’t know much Greek just my research) the word church can mean either to assemble together or a gathering of believers.

First, we have to define who makes up the church. The universal Church is made of real believers who are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Only those whom God chose, Jesus died for, and the Holy Spirit drew to Himself is the church. This includes believers across the world, for all times, who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus. This would be the elect. This is different from the people of God (Israel) in the Old Testament. Israel was an unbelieving picture of the church. There were some who believed before Christ came, for example David, Abraham, and Moses. However, as a nation, Israel is treated in Scripture as unbelieving. Just read Hosea or Isaiah for proof.

To be part of the people of God under the Old Covenant, you were physically born a Jew. Now, the people of God include people from every nation, Jew and Gentile. That was Jesus’ point to Nicodemus in John 3. Jesus was referring to Ezekiel 36. It is no longer a national race but a Spiritual race. Galatians is very clear that this new people of God (the church) include both Jew and Gentile. Paul calls this in Galatians 6:16 “the Israel of God.” In summary, the Church is made up of all those who Jesus died, who were redeemed, both Jew and Gentile.  See – Ezekiel 36:24-28, John 3: 1-8, Titus 3:4-7, Ephesians 1: 11-14. 2 Tim 2:19   

We all know that in churches across this country unbeliever are present. That would include children of Christian parents (who have not believed) and false professions. This is why it is important to try to weed out as many false professions as possible. I was recently in Romania and asked a pastor friend what was his view of the American church. He replied, “You guys have way too many false professions.” I have been tricked by many professing believers, even those who embraced sound reformed doctrine, who have eventually proven themselves to be a false profession. For Biblical proof see – Matthew 7:15-23, 2 Tim 4:10, Acts 20:29-30.

NOTE: The Nicene Creed defines Church as “We Believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church.”
Second, NO WHERE IN THE BIBLE does God define the Church as a building. How does the Bible describe the Church? See Romans 16:5 and 1 Corinthians 16:19. Notice the separation of Church and home. This changes the words we use to describe the “Church building “and it changes how we use words like, “Sanctuary”. The Bible never calls the place believers gather a sanctuary. For example, a friend of mine tells her children, “We are going to the building to be with our church family.” The church, Biblically, are people who have been redeemed!

Believers can gather anywhere and be as Holy and Honoring to the Lord as meeting in the nicest building on earth.  

Ephesians 2:18-20 says that the Church (people) is the dwelling place and influenced by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit changed the heart and life of all true believers. Our lives are to represent Jesus. Instead of going to a temple or building to find God, they now look at Christians who are salt and light to the world (Ephesians 3:10).
See – 1 Peter 2:5, 1 Corinthians 6:18-20, 1 Corinthians 3:16  

Third, the church is instituted by God. Just like marriage was ordained and instituted by God so is the Church. Jesus is the head of the Church and God calls the church the body of Christ.
See Ephesians 1:22-23, 5:25-29

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