The name for this post is twofold. First, we are all born into darkness, including myself. The gospel, through the work of the Holy Spirit, awakened me my heart to the Gospel. I was dead in my sins with no hope, and could do nothing to save myself. When I became a Christian, light was in my life when I believed that Jesus came to earth, died a sinless death, and rose from the grave. The Holy Spirit changed my heart and I began to love this God and His word. 2 Corinthians 4:6, "for God who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," has shown and our hearts to give the light the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ..
Second, the Word of God will always shine in this world. It was this phrase "after darkness, light," that captured the heart of the Reformation. I owe a lot to those Church Fathers who came before me.
My prayer is this blog will be able to encourage you and equip you to keep living for Jesus, to serve Him better, and love Him more, as He gets the Glory.
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