Monday, March 24, 2014

Reflection Questions on The Attributes of God

Since January, I have lead a study on God's attributes. Grasping a correct comprehension of God is crucial to understanding the God we worship. I believe this study is important for each Christian to engage. Do you worship the God of the Bible or the God you "think" is in the Bible? For example, to deny God's Sovereignty or His Self-Existence is to deny the God of the Bible.

Last week we ended our study by discussing what we learned about God and ourselves. The questions are below:

What aspect of God's attributes has impacted you daily life?

How has gaining a correct understanding of God impacted, challenged, or changed your worldview?

How has studying God giving you biblical hope?

How do the Scriptures magnify your concept of God? (worship)

How has this study affected how you deal with sin in your life? (repentance)